Together with The Flowers For Dreams Foundation, we have now funded over 210 amazing local charities.
$215,718.64 IN 2023 ALONE.
Keep making a difference
Shop flowersIn 2023, we kept being us.
Thinking big, acting small, reinvesting profits in our community.
See the foundationQ1
Housing & Homelessness
Contributed $31,853
Gun Violence
Contributed $59,244
Community Development
Contributed $59,806
Domestic Violence
Contributed $55,804
We used flowers & plants to stand up for justice in our communities.

Pause in UPS shipping in solidarity with striking workers

We surprised couples getting married at City Hall with free wedding bouquets

Our Bloom Room helped support reproductive health services for Gyrls in The Hood

We used flowers to promote peace locally in response to October 7th.

We opposed drag bans in Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

We stood with survivors of domestic violence by funding grants to break this vicious cycle.

We proudly marched in the Milwaukee Pride parade.

Empowered Ukrainian refugees with valuable flower arranging skills to pursue their art.
Always striving for impact, but never forgetting to have some fun along the way.

We started monthly bouquet drops to fund pressing issues.

The Dope Bundle for Valentine's Day helping prison reform with Vic Mensa.

The Fleur Bouquet in March to highlight Women's Day.

Our local Peonies in May for Moms Demand Action.

The Dahlia Fest bouquet for back to school and teachers in September.
“We're so grateful for the beauty and intentionality Flowers for Dreams brings to their grantee partnerships.”
- Sheerine Alemzadeh, Co-Founder & Co-Director
To get there, we arranged over 1.5M stems of flowers.
new deliveries record set by our amazing driver jose


Voted Best Florist

Our bouquets were ordered from 60 different countries, as far as Perth Australia; 11,170 miles away
OUR most popular wedding palette IN 2023
Your bouquet makes an impact.
Shop flowersWe are about a LOT more than flowers.
At Flowers for Dreams, we believe that business should do more than make money, so we reinvest 25% of our net profits into amazing local charities in our community.
Shop flowers“We're so thankful for their belief in our students, our schools, and our communities.”
- Amanda Long, Executive Director, Embarc
Our promise to the envIronment
Progress on our ambitious new roadmap to achieve environmental sustainability and massive waste reduction by year-end 2025.

End to Virgin Plastic
We replaced 93% of our plastic daily arrangement packaging with recyclable corrugated cardboard and are extending this eco-friendly shift to our weddings & events.
Become Carbon Neutral
Over 100 metric tons of CO2 delivery emissions with OnFleet Offset
Eliminate Foam
We began experimenting with eco-friendly agrawool and have shifted to reusable chicken wire to eliminate wasteful design products.
As one of the first B Corps in the Midwest, we are proud to see now over 6,000 businesses in 94 countries join the global movement.
We re-certified as a B Corporation in 2023 after receiving back-to-back accolades in charitable giving and nonprofit outcomes.
The very first flower or plant B Corporation to certify in the United States of America.
Certified by the nonprofit B Lab as voluntarily meeting higher standards of transparency, accountability, and performance.
Leading With Flowers
"We use beautiful flowers to advance causes of justice & charity in our community."
Our mission since 2012. It felt humble, small, very local when we would say it back then. Nearly a decade later, it is known widely throughout the floral industry. With your help, we've truly set the example of social responsibility in our sector.
In 2021, we started the first ever nonprofit florist in a florist.
In 2022, we reached $1M donated- all through the sale of flowers.
In 2023, we launched the most ambitious roadmap to become carbon neutral and end first-use plastic. We re-certified as a B Corporation - the first flower company to ever become one and a pioneer for dozens of others to follow suit.
As we look ahead to 2024, we're hoping to fund our 250th local charity from your flowers. We're focusing all of our charitable efforts on the next generation. Kids who don't have access, teens who need mentorship, and young voters who will help decide the future of our country. Will you join us with more support?
In 2021, we started the first ever nonprofit florist in a florist.
In 2022, we reached $1M donated- all through the sale of flowers.
In 2023, we launched the most ambitious roadmap to become carbon neutral and end first-use plastic. We re-certified as a B Corporation - the first flower company to ever become one and a pioneer for dozens of others to follow suit.
As we look ahead to 2024, we're hoping to fund our 250th local charity from your flowers. We're focusing all of our charitable efforts on the next generation. Kids who don't have access, teens who need mentorship, and young voters who will help decide the future of our country. Will you join us with more support?

“We’re grateful to Flowers for Dreams for helping make all of this possible.”
- Eva Maria Lewis, Executive Director
“To SHALVA and those who are here to bring your mission forward, thank you. I feel seen and understood. I feel hopeful. I feel grateful. I feel blessed.”